Friday, November 21, 2008


From October 15 to November 15 I had been to Kerala for my annual home leave. During my stay there, I visited my relatives and friends. That included my Brother in law and Sister and family who have recently started a pharma company supplying herbal viagra "Musli Power Extra". Most of my time was spent at home. It was a rather pleasant and relaxed time and I enjoyed my stay there.
I made it a point to visit Fr. Dominic Illickal at Nirmala Gardens Shenkottah. He is busy looking after the 50 acres of estate with the vigiour of 25 yrs old although he is approaching 75 years.

On November 15, Saturday, I reached here refreshed . Once again, back to the activities of the Formation house with Bro. Rajesh and 20 aspirants.

God Bless You.

1 comment:

Humanresource said...

Thats great Father , you could unwind and have a great time, Welcome back to Hyderabad!