Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thirty Third Sunday of the Year :A


First Reading : Pro. 31:10-13,19-20,30-31
Second Reading: 1 The 5:1-6
Gospel Reading: Mt 25:14-30

* First Reading is the Book of Proverbs. An ideal wife is praised for her hard work and religious Spirit ; by worldly standards the woman in the reading may not be a talented person. Yet according to the writer, she has something of greater value than jewels, that is, a loving heart and caring hands. Hence an industrious generous and God fearing wife is a great blessing to the whole family.

* Second reading is from St. Paul's first letter to Thessalonians. Paul tells the people of Thessalonika that he does not know when the Second coming of the Lord will take place. But he urges them to be always ready and watchful for His second coming, lest they be caught unawares.


In the Gospel today, Jesus tells us a beautiful story to illustrate how we should make use of our talents and abilities. In the parable, there are three servants. Each of them is given a considerable sum of money by their master. The first two are hardworking and are praised for their effort. Where as the third servant was lazy and a coward and made no effort what so ever to do justice to the Master's trust in him. He is severly chastised for laziness and lack of enterprise.
Through this parable, Jesus is telling us to make use of the many talents and gifts God has showered on us. We are asked to live wisely and develop these talents and abilities and make use of them for personal growth and for the community. But if we bury our talents, we can never grow.
To all who are doing their best to make use of their talents, Jesus is telling "Well done, Good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thirtyth Sunday of the Year


First Reading: Jer 31:7-9
Second Reading: Heb 5:1-6
Gospel Reading: Mk 10:46-52

* In the first Reading , Prophet Jeremiah speaks of the saving power of God who will bring back people of Israel from all corners of the world. The blind and the lame and the woman with child , all will travel together and God will protect them like a Father.

* Second Reading from the letter to Hebrews speaks of Jesus as a High Priest who is appointed by God to be a mediator between God and humanbeings. He is also a Priest like Melchizedeck whose ancestory was not known to anyone but God.

Bartimaeus the blind beggar of Jericho was told that Jesus was passing that way when he sitting on the road side begging. Bartimaeus had heard about Jesus the divine healer from Nazareth. Bartimaeus wanted to meet Jesus but no one paid any attention to him. So he cried out "Jesus son of David, have pity on me". The crowd discouraged him but he did not stop crying loudly and finally Jesus heard his cry and called him and asked him, "What do you want me to do for you"?
The reply was immediate "Lord, I want to see" Jesus told him "Your faith has made you well" and he received his sight.
The story of Bartimaeus gives us some important messages today.
Bartimaeus represents each of us. We are also blind in various aspects of our lives. But to be healed from those blindness, we need to recognise our own blindness.
Then we need to cry to the Lord to heal us . Others may discourage us telling why do you cry like this ?
Divine Healer who healed Bartimeaus of Jericho will certainly heal us. Let us put our faith in Him.

Friday, November 21, 2008


From October 15 to November 15 I had been to Kerala for my annual home leave. During my stay there, I visited my relatives and friends. That included my Brother in law and Sister and family who have recently started a pharma company supplying herbal viagra "Musli Power Extra". Most of my time was spent at home. It was a rather pleasant and relaxed time and I enjoyed my stay there.
I made it a point to visit Fr. Dominic Illickal at Nirmala Gardens Shenkottah. He is busy looking after the 50 acres of estate with the vigiour of 25 yrs old although he is approaching 75 years.

On November 15, Saturday, I reached here refreshed . Once again, back to the activities of the Formation house with Bro. Rajesh and 20 aspirants.

God Bless You.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Brothers' Day at Alwal

Brothers' Day: Feast of St.Francis of Assisi

October 4th was red letter day at Brother Formation Centre Alwal. At 6. pm. Holy Mass was celebrated with more than 15 priests conccelebrating along with 5 Brothers from INH province including the Silver Jubilerian Bro. U Alphonse who is celebrating his Silver Jubilee of Profession. There were many religious and nearly 100 well wishers and friends. Fr. Wenceslaus svd was the main celebrant. Bro. Rajesh Soreng Director of Brother Formation Centre in the introduction to the Holy Mass highlighted the importance of Brothers and their activities and the important contributions by Brothers to the Church and Society.
Fr. Wenceslaus in his homily spoke about exemplay life of St. Francis of Assisi and his life of poverty and franscisan way of life. He further highlighted the importance of SVD Brother Vocations. Liturgy was given a divine touch by the beautiful choir consiting of the Brothers of the Centre ably conducted by Mr. Samuel from Alwal.
After the Holy Mass , Bro. Alphonse the Jubilerian was felicitated and honoured by Bro. Rajesh svd . All the Brothers together then cut the Feast Day Cake. Later everyone had a sumptous dinner.


Fr. Joy Joseph svd

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Back in Brother Formation , Alwal

Greetings from Joy Joseph.
I came back from Pune on September 18 th after the Formation Board meeting and Inter Province forum meeting. It was a nice experience meeting many confrers holding important offices in the Society in India.
On October 4th we will be celebrating the Feast of St. Francis Assisi and Brothers day here in Alwal. Bro. Rajesh is very busy with the invitations for all SVDs in Andhra and Priests and nuns around here. The students are preparing for the feast by Choir practices for the Concelebrated High Mass on that day. We will be having the Mass at 6.00 pm followed by Dinner.

Fr. Joy Joseph