Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thirty Third Sunday of the Year :A


First Reading : Pro. 31:10-13,19-20,30-31
Second Reading: 1 The 5:1-6
Gospel Reading: Mt 25:14-30

* First Reading is the Book of Proverbs. An ideal wife is praised for her hard work and religious Spirit ; by worldly standards the woman in the reading may not be a talented person. Yet according to the writer, she has something of greater value than jewels, that is, a loving heart and caring hands. Hence an industrious generous and God fearing wife is a great blessing to the whole family.

* Second reading is from St. Paul's first letter to Thessalonians. Paul tells the people of Thessalonika that he does not know when the Second coming of the Lord will take place. But he urges them to be always ready and watchful for His second coming, lest they be caught unawares.


In the Gospel today, Jesus tells us a beautiful story to illustrate how we should make use of our talents and abilities. In the parable, there are three servants. Each of them is given a considerable sum of money by their master. The first two are hardworking and are praised for their effort. Where as the third servant was lazy and a coward and made no effort what so ever to do justice to the Master's trust in him. He is severly chastised for laziness and lack of enterprise.
Through this parable, Jesus is telling us to make use of the many talents and gifts God has showered on us. We are asked to live wisely and develop these talents and abilities and make use of them for personal growth and for the community. But if we bury our talents, we can never grow.
To all who are doing their best to make use of their talents, Jesus is telling "Well done, Good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much."

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